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Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release containing v0.18 network upgrade compatibility for Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets.

Lagt ut av selsta | 11 August 2022
Category: releases

Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Release containing v0.18 network upgrade compatibility for Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets.

Lagt ut av selsta | 11 August 2022
Category: releases

Monero GUI 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Major release containing support for the August 13th network upgrade.

Lagt ut av selsta | 19 July 2022
Category: releases

Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' released

Major release containing support for the August 13th network upgrade.

Lagt ut av selsta | 19 July 2022
Category: releases

Monero GUI 'Oxygen Orion' released

Point release containing support for P2Pool mining and Ledger Nano S Plus.

Lagt ut av selsta | 29 April 2022
Category: releases

Monero 'Oxygen Orion' Point Release

Point release containing support for Ledger Nano S Plus.

Lagt ut av selsta | 29 April 2022
Category: releases

Monero will undergo a network upgrade on 13th August, 2022

Announcement of the upcoming network upgrade (13th August, 2022)

Lagt ut av sethforprivacy | 20 April 2022
Category: community, protocol upgrade, core, crypto

This Year in Monero - 2022

A snapshot of statistics and social media posts to highlight Monero's growth in its 8th year.

Lagt ut av reemuru | 18 April 2022
Category: community

Monero GUI 'Oxygen Orion' released

Point release containing fix for startup crash on Apple Silicon

Lagt ut av selsta | 6 January 2022
Category: releases

What is Seraphis, and Why Should You Care?

Seraphis is a next-generation transaction protocol abstraction, and a candidate for Monero's next tx protocol.

Lagt ut av koe | 22 December 2021
Category: protocol, cryptography, research, community